Congratulations on your decision to marry.
It is one of the most important decisions you will make in life and a decision that will change your life forever.
There are three distinct areas covered in a Church wedding ceremony:
– Marriage preparation – Civil Registration – Completion of Church documentation 
Marriage Preparation:
A Church wedding will require more preparation that a civil wedding. When you marry in Church, you not only make vows to each other, but you also make vows to God. In preparing for Christian Marriage you will need to reflect on your journey of faith and your present relationship with God and the Church. If you have drifted from the practice of your faith, this may be a good time to rekindle your faith practice as part of your preparation for getting married in church.
Following confirmation of the booking of your wedding with the parish office, you will be asked to make an appointment to start the completion of the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Form.
This will be the first of your meetings with the priest.
When a booking is accepted by the parish, it is conditional on the couple completing some form of marriage preparation.
We would recommend the ACCORD Marriage Preparation Course.
It is advisable that this course be completed as soon as possible.
Availability of places may be limited, so please book early!
Full details and booking available at:
Please contact the Parish Office as soon as the preparation course is completed. A second appointment with the priest will then be arranged to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Form.
Following this meeting you will have an opportunity to plan your wedding ceremony with the help of the priest and put together an Order of Service.
See the following for your consideration:
Generic Order of Service
The Rite of Marriage: See the following……
Address, Examination, Blessing of Rings and Prayer of Newly Married Couple
Readings for your Wedding: See the following…..
Readings for your wedding
Suggested Prayers of Intercession: See the following…..
Prayers of Intercession
Civil Registration:
Although you will marry in a church, as a couple you have a civil responsibility to notify the local Registrar of your decision to marry.
This will involve each of you completing a Marriage Notice Form.
These can be downloaded from:
Marriages (
These act as an application for your ‘MARRIAGE SCHEDULE.’ This is the civil form you sign in the church on the occasion of your marriage.
Before submitting these application forms to the Registrar, they must be signed by the priest/deacon who will officiate at your marriage.
Please note that you cannot be married without the Civil ‘MARRIAGE SCHEDULE’.
Church Documentation:
You will require the following documents in order to celebrate marriage in the Catholic Church:
A Certificate of Baptism. This is obtained from the parish in which you were baptised. The certificate should be a recent certificate (i.e. issued within six months of the date of marriage).
A Certificate of Confirmation. Confirmation details are usually recorded on the Baptism certificate, if it is not, you will need a separate certificate from the parish where you were confirmed.
A Pre-nuptial Enquiry Form. The above documents, 1 and 2, are needed to complete the Pre-Nuptial form. You will need to make an appointment to meet with the priest at least six months, but up to 12 months, before your marriage. Bring your recently issued baptism and confirmation certificates with you, as well as the certificate issued by ACCORD. These meetings with the priest/deacon will determine what other documents may be required.
Is there a cost to getting married in Church?
Marriage Paperwork sent to other locations incurs cost, currently outside Ireland £20, within Ireland £5
Music: Organist, Instrumentalists, Cantor, Singer will have individual costs
Church Webcam / You Tube or other online facilities should be considered for costs
Celebrant’s Stipend. Couples may want to consider the time devoted to pre-wedding meetings, the rehearsal and the wedding.
Use of Church fee – suggested £250
If you wish to make a Wedding booking, please, together, complete the form below and return to
St Annes Church Marriage Application Form