Gerry Barry steps down from Parish Centre

A big “Thank You” to Gerry Barry upon his retirement as Manager of our Parish Centre

Gerry has been involved in our Parish Centre since it was officially opened in May 1998 by Bishop Patrick Walsh.

He would begin his involvement at the side of the late Jim McAuley, and would then succeed Jim, taking up the post as Manager.

Gerry has been the “go to” person for anything to do with the Centre and has over the years built up a wonderful relationship with all the Centre user groups. Always welcoming and accommodating, making sure that everything was ready for whatever the activity.  Gerry was always available and would care for the Centre with tremendous dedication and commitment. The Centre was often referred to as Gerry’s “other woman”!

We wish Gerry, a very well earned rest now and we all hope and pray that you will have good health, happiness and contentment.

Thank You Gerry! 


PS: We warmly welcome Caroline Russell who takes up the post of Parish Centre Co-Ordinator and wish her every blessing in her new post!